
Foundations of Chaplaincy: A Practical Guide is unavailable, but you can change that!

An approachable overview of the nature, purpose, and functional roles of chaplaincy. Chaplaincy is unlike any other kind of ministry. It involves working outside a church, without a congregation, usually in a secular organization. It requires ministering to those with starkly different religious convictions, many of whom may never enter a house of worship. It is, as Alan Baker writes, “ministry...

his own spiritual health and practices. Second, by intentionally seeking opportunities to exercise patience: sit with someone “wasting time” as he waits at the pharmacy for a prescription; find someone in the organization who you observe has a boring job and commit to tag along with him for an hour. This may crush the spirit of the task-oriented chaplain, yet it also invites the Holy Spirit to do what the chaplain cannot do. By God’s grace, I developed spiritual practices to help me focus on God’s
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